






You’re probably taking a notice that I’ve changed everything about my story except for some minor things.  To begin with, I’ll give you a run down of the character name changes.  To begin with, some of the names may not have a new equivalent, which means their name was kept the same or they are a new character being introduced.  You’ll probably know without being told on who is new . . .  Most of these, actually, are just their names being changed to the proper spelling.  These are just the main few at the moment, I’m sure there will be more later on . . .


Gunslyt = Gunslight


Strikstop = Stricture


Trolos = Triols

Twyster = Twister



Xcimiti = Xyston

Ylandra = Misery

Zeplin = Zeppelin


Other changes that are happening is that there are no longer “families” and “reproduction” in the human sense.  The only way that TFs can have children is if it’s something like Soundwave and Blaster.


Misery and Xyston are no longer brother and sister (sickos can stop e-mailing me for sibling incest now! Okay?), but they are still the same factory model, at least for their Maximal forms.  The terms “brother” and “sister” are now used as just a pseudonym adopted by those of the same faction.


Transformers and all affiliated logos and content are © 2001-2004 trademark of Hasbro, manufactured under license from Takara Co., LTD.  All rights reserved.

Fictions, Pictures, and other assorted ideas and materials are © 2001-2004 Joshin Yasha.  All rights reserved.

Any music used is © Respective Artists.  All rights reserved.